Monday, May 30, 2011

Cleaning up the Ashes

SO yeah, 2 days after I wrote my last post here, my entire world went Krakatoa.

I truly wish I were exaggerating, but for legal reasons, that's all I can say publicly w/o my attorney present.

So now, about a month later, I'm by myself in the apartment, except for Luggy (the rabbit) and Achilles, (the cat). I'll know by Tuesday if I'll be moving on July 1st, and then it's just letting the current landlords know that I'll be getting the hell out of here asap.

In the midst of turmoil and heartbreak and all that happy confusing horseshit, I've been shown just what a fool I was played for.

I have some of the BEST Friends and Family one could ask for! My parents have been my sheltering port in teh storm my entire life, and have truly shown me what unconditional love is all about. Nothing I could ever do (or have done) could make them love me any less.

My TRUE Friends, those who have been there for me at my highs and lows, and who have offered me safe sanctuary and company, even those who live hundreds of miles away, have made themselves invaluable to me. They are my Second Family :)

And during all of this, my Guides and Guardians have made themselves VERY well known and actively communicating with me. I have a few more names and several *smack forehead* moments added to my lists and journals. Some of which I'll eventually transcribe here, once I know Who is comfortable w/ me addressing Them in this medium. Odin has no trouble with it, but the Others are still a little wary. The last time i tried explaining my beliefs to people using my own connections and associations, i was utterly shunned, ridiculed, and tormented for my beliefs. Enough so that it took nearly 8 years for me to be OK w/ Them again, and to realize that my associations weren't wrong, but they were Right for Me.

I have become the Hermit, although not entirely by choice, and so I must learn to enjoy the Solitude, and not get bogged down in the Loneliness.

After sweeping up the ashes of my volcanic life-change, I'm finally starting to see some of the pretty sunsets thru the clouds.

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