Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dark Magick: My Version

Dark Magick. Yeah, I've walked down that way a few times.

I've never killed an animal and used it's blood. I've never cast a curse or hex on random people just to cause trouble. I don't communicate with demons (that I know of) and I've already sold my soul to Satan (I wanted a PS2 and damned if I would get it!)

But, I have used blood and sexual fluids in my spells. I've cast a few minor hexes and at least one major Curse (all on fully deserving parties, I assure you.) I have also used legal and somewhat-illegal plant materials. I can hurt, but I can also heal, and my Healing Magicks have become stronger.

Dark Magick (for me anyway) is the stuff you didn't read about in Wicca/Witchcraft/Paganism 101. It's the darker things that have a nothing to do with the God and Goddess and worship and fairies and healing energies and white light. These are the spells that involve getting your hands dirty, literally and figuratively, and using methods that many would consider taboo.

But I will say this: My Workings have become 10 times more effective ever since I started venturing into the more shadowy side of the Occult. The methods I use to manifest my desires may not agree with most people, but they Harm None, and I Can Do As I Will.


  1. i think the ancient 'pagans' certainly the ones we follow would laugh if they heard us say we don't do hexes, just remember that balance is the key <magic is neither light nor dark, it is the will which determines the path"
    Be Blessed

  2. I agree with Aisha, in my opinion Dark Magic has little to do with illegality, harm, or evil, but in using the darker side of the Divine (and ourselves) to promote change. I think the party post The Domestic Pagan is very, Dark Magic is about darkness, not intention, but in my even more personal view, things (at least for each individual) is what we think they are.

    Interesting post.
