Monday, November 1, 2010

Like I Never Left

Even tho it was almost a week early, I got together with Feronia today. She sent me a text that Yotsuya wasn't going to be there and I was welcome to drop by for game night.

I thought it would be awkward, but thankfully it wasn't. I even sold one of the Fluff-Buns to Poohs and she wanted a custom order done as well. Apparently, it was declared that on nights when Yotsuya couldn't make it, then Poohs would much prefer having my company added to the mix.

I can't say as I find anything wrong with that idea ;)

Even tho this group is full to the brim with drama, it's at least the harmless stuff that doesn't really effect reality or people's safety. It's more annoying than anything else. The types of drama that B's friends seem to stir up is the kind that can get you thrown in jail, or have your kids taken from you. They don't play nice in the ghettos of Westfield.

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