Monday, November 15, 2010

Strega Noni

Strega Nona by Tommy dePaola. One of my favorite books from childhood..

My mother would have been burned at the stake 300 years ago for all that she knows. Nurse, Master Herballist, Clinical Aromatherapist, Doula, Teacher, M-Technique Practioner, Apothecary, My mom has done it all. Granted, when it comes to technology she's a horrific technophobe and is lucky when she can figure out the new toaster oven on the first day. She's also a witch, and she either refuses to acknowledge, or hasn't realized it yet.

But then she says things like she did today....

"You and B are going to be together for a long, long time. And there's going to be a child involved, down the line. I don't know when I'm going to get these little messages from Heaven, but you know how they are when I get 'em."

She also has a large (not as well kept as it used to be) garden, which is why B and I were over there today, raking leaves, and a hot tub. She has the ultimate Cauldron of Healing in her own backyard. She and my dad use it all the time, and even B and I have made use of it's Healing energies while house-sitting last winter.

My mom understands the plants and taught me when I was very little, to always ask permission before picking any flowers. She read me Irish fairy tales and Native American stories when I was a kid. She told me Fairies really did exist, and that anytime I was out in the woods and saw a flash of light in the corner of my eyes, that they were watching me.

So when she tells me that B and I are going to be together for a long time, and that we're going to have kids... Well, it's not something I wasn't already aware of, but it's really nice to see her own little visions corresponding with my own ;)

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