( Remember the visions last night. You are a Witch. They walk between the worlds. You live between the 2 worlds you know: the light and the Dark. You came from the Light, He comes from the Dark, but you both strive for some happy medium in between. Neither of you wants to descend into Darkness completely. You must learn to walk the Hedgerow of your world. Not just between the Worlds, but between the Urban and Suburban Worlds. You aren't out of the wilderness entirely, nor are you at the city limits. You are in the open plains between and you are both exposed and covered. You have to find the balanced point between the 2 worlds until you can rally the troops and head into the Light world.)
(You are NOT the Tree anymore. You are the Bird that lights on a branch, flies int eh Air, and still comes back to Earth for her nourishment. Stop spending so much time 'Grounding' or else you're going to be so Grounded that you become a peg.)
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